2015 Foals
Rio Starlight x Fashion Watch
SOLD Thank you, Ryan Merrill Family of Benson, UT
This gelding is by Rio Starlight who is a 15.2 hand 1,200 lb buckskin with a great confirmation to go with his great pedigree. He is by Grays Starlight, an all-time Leading Sire producing over $10 million in cutting (NCHA), reined cow horse (NRCHA), and reining horses (NRHA). In 2007 Grays Starlight was the Leading Sire of Broodmares sold in both NRHA and NRCHA sales and the second leading sire of broodmares sold in NCHA sales. Grays Starlight is by AQHA/NCHA Hall of Fame Inductee Peppy San Badger, the all-time number 2 sire of $28 Million of performance horses. Rio is out of Smokin Kitty Rio the 1993 NCHA Open Reserve World Champion with earnings exceeding $65.000. Smokin Kitty Rio is by NCHA and NRCHA greats Smokin Jose, Doc Quixote, and AQHA/NRHA Hall of Fame Mr Gun Smoke.
Rio has his ROM in Reining and qualified for the 2004 AQHA world show in reining. Rio was being shown in the working cow horse events and has won multiple events, qualifying for the 2006 AQHA world show; he was also be shown at the Working Cow Horse World Show.
This gelding is out of a mare by Watch Red Song who is by Mr Baron Red an AQHA Champion, Superior Heeling, Superior Calf Roping, 1983 AQHA SUPER HORSE, 2 time Reserve World Champion Sr Calf Roping, 2 time Reserve World Champion Sr Heading. Notably, on this pedigree, Two Eyed Jack appears 3 times. Two Eyed Jack is the all-time leading sire of AQHA Champions, having sired 119 Champions. He also sired 16 AQHA World Show Champions, as well as 242 Performance Register of Merit earners. He also sired 3 AQHA Supreme Champions.
This gelding is put together just the way you want, he is fancy and flashy. He is covered in chrome with 3 white socks and a blaze white face he is sure to turn heads. If his color doesn't turn heads his ability and cow sense will. His pedigree speaks for itself and has all the potential to be a super horse. If started correctly this gelding could be a top performance horse in cutting, reining, and reined cow horse events. He is handsome and will shortly be ready for a new and exciting home where he will be used to the fullest.
Rio Starlight x Ill Be Tari Now
SOLD Thank you, Nathan Young and Marcee Jensen of Lund, NV
This gelding is by Rio Starlight who is a 15.2 hand 1,200 lb buckskin with a great confirmation to go with his great pedigree. He is by Grays Starlight, an all-time Leading Sire producing over $10 million in cutting (NCHA), reined cow horse (NRCHA), and reining horses (NRHA). In 2007 Grays Starlight was the Leading Sire of Broodmares sold in both NRHA and NRCHA sales and the second leading sire of broodmares sold in NCHA sales. Grays Starlight is by AQHA/NCHA Hall of Fame Inductee Peppy San Badger, the all-time number 2 sire of $28 Million of performance horses. Rio is out of Smokin Kitty Rio the 1993 NCHA Open Reserve World Champion with earnings exceeding $65.000. Smokin Kitty Rio is by NCHA and NRCHA greats Smokin Jose, Doc Quixote, and AQHA/NRHA Hall of Fame Mr Gun Smoke.
Rio has his ROM in Reining and qualified for the 2004 AQHA world show in reining. Rio was being shown in the working cow horse events and has won multiple events, qualifying for the 2006 AQHA world show; he was also be shown at the Working Cow Horse World Show.
This colt is out of a mare by I'll Be Smart with offspring earnings in excess of $1.4 million. The $77,400 money-earner is a full brother to Smart Little Lena, he’s by Doc O’Lena and out of Smart Peppy – and is an Equi-Sat All-Time Leading Cutting Sire and 2007 NRCHA Leading Sire. On this colts pedigree, you will find great sires such as Doc Bar, Poco Bueno, Leo San, and Peppy San. With this nice little colt, you will not be disappointed!
He is going to be a handsome stallion or gelding with lots of chrome and plenty of character throughout. A stripe on his face, 4 white socks, and a beautiful black mane and tail. He is built to work or show all day with a short strong back and thick straight legs. He is bred with size, speed, athleticism, intelligence, and versatility. With this colt you will be able to use him as a cow horse, rope horse, cutting, team penning, or reining horse. With his pedigree and versatility, you will not be disappointed and will be able to turn heads. Come check him out!
Blue Frosty Ed x Ill Be Smart Now
SOLD Thank you, Travis Maughn Family of Mt. Sterling, UT
This filly is by Blue Frosty Ed our big beautiful blue roan stallion. Offspring of Blue Frosty Ed has a wonderful disposition, lots of bone, and is built to be for long days no the ranch. The sire is a big 15.1 hand blue roan with loads of muscle mass and thick bone. Ed goes back to roping greats such as Driftwood, Hancock, Lucky Blanton, Poco Bueno, Three Bars, Leo, Eddie 40, Oklahoma Star, Zantanon, and Grey Badger II. We love the cross with this stallion and he produces some very intelligent and flashy foals. Filly has two white socks on her hind legs and a star on her head, this is the filly you want to add to your ranch breeding program.
This compact filly is out of a mare that has Grays Starlight on the top and I'll Be Smart and Doc Tari on the bottom. Offspring of Grays Starlight has won over 10 million dollars. His offspring have made him one of the Leading Sires in the NRHA, NRCHA, and NCHA. In 2007 Grays Starlight was the Leading Sire of Broodmares sold in both NRHA and NRCHA sales and the second leading sire of broodmares sold in NCHA sales.
This filly is out of a mare whose grandsire is I'll Be Smart with offspring earnings in excess of $1.4 million. The $77,400 money-earner is a full brother to Smart Little Lena, he’s by Doc O’Lena and out of Smart Peppy – and is an Equi-Sat All-Time Leading Cutting Sire and 2007 NRCHA Leading Sire. On this filly's pedigree, you will find great sires such as Doc Bar, Poco Bueno, Leo San, and Peppy San. With this nice little filly, you will not be disappointed!
This filly is going to be a beautiful mare that will be bay roan color and plenty of character with her conformation. She is built to carry you all day with a short strong back and thick straight legs. She is bred for speed, athleticism, intelligence, and versatility. With this filly you will be able to use her as a cow horse, rope horse, cutting, team penning or reining horse. With her pedigree and versatility, you will not be disappointed and will be able to use her as a broodmare for years to come. Check her out!
Blue Frosty Ed x CBF Lucky Bar Dancer
SOLD Thank you, Ryan Merrill Family of Benson, UT
This gelding is by Blue Frosty Ed our big beautiful blue roan stallion. Offspring of Blue Frosty Ed has a wonderful disposition, lots of bone, and is built to be for long days on the ranch. The sire is a big 15.1 hand blue roan with loads of muscle mass and thick bone. Ed goes back to roping greats such as Driftwood, Hancock, Lucky Blanton, Poco Bueno, Three Bars, Leo, Eddie 40, Oklahoma Star, Zantanon, and Grey Badger II. We love the cross with this stallion and he produces some very intelligent and flashy foals. Quigley as we call him has a thick stripe on his face and long strong legs, this is the gelding you want to add to your collection.
This leggy gelding is out of a mare that goes back to racing greats such as Easy Jet, Top Deck, Three Bars, and Tri Jet. We are very excited about the potential of Quigley. With the thoroughbred and running bloodlines on the bottom and the roping and ranching on top, we believe this stallion is going to be a big and capable horse. We expect he will ranch, rope, run barrels, and have a big motor.
This gelding is going to be a large boy that will be a Bay or a Smokey Bay Roan color and plenty of character with his breeding and conformation. He is built to run all day with a long strong back and long straight legs. He is bred for speed, intelligence, size, and versatility. We hope that we can find a good home for this boy and someone that is as excited about him as we are. We invite you to come check him out!