2017 Foals
Rio Starlight x DBF Lucky Bar Dancer
SOLD Thank you, Wyatt Jolley of Firth, ID
This gorgeous and flashy filly is by Rio Starlight who is a 15.2 hand 1,200 lb buckskin with a great confirmation to go with his great pedigree. He is by Grays Starlight, an all-time Leading Sire producing over $10 million in cutting (NCHA), reined cow horse (NRCHA), and reining horses (NRHA). In 2007 Grays Starlight was the Leading Sire of Broodmares sold in both NRHA and NRCHA sales and the second leading sire of broodmares sold in NCHA sales. Grays Starlight is by AQHA/NCHA Hall of Fame Inductee Peppy San Badger, the all-time number 2 sire of $28 Million of performance horses. Rio is out of Smokin Kitty Rio the 1993 NCHA Open Reserve World Champion with earnings exceeding $65.000. Smokin Kitty Rio is by NCHA and NRCHA greats Smokin Jose, Doc Quixote, and AQHA/NRHA Hall of Fame Mr Gun Smoke.
Rio has his ROM in Reining and qualified for the 2004 AQHA world show in reining. Rio was being shown in the working cow horse events and has won multiple events, qualifying for the 2006 AQHA world show; he was also be shown at the Working Cow Horse World Show.
This "leggy" filly is out of a mare that goes back to racing greats such as Easy Jet, Top Deck, Three Bars, and Tri Jet. We are very excited about the potential of this beauty. With the racing bloodlines on the bottom and the working cow horse/ reining bloodlines on top, we believe this filly is going to be an impressive barrel or show prospect. As you can see she is loaded with chrome with 4 white stockings and a blaze white face this filly is a show stopper. We expect she will make a very nice queening prospect as well for the gal who wants to ride out in style and flare.
She is built to run all day with a strong back end and long straight legs. She is bred for speed, intelligence, size, and versatility; we are excited to sit back and watch the potential of this filly. We hope that we can find the right fit for this gal that is as excited about her as we are. We invite you to come out to the ranch to check her out along with all our 2017 foal crop!
Blue Frosty Ed x Ivorys Starlight
SOLD Thank you, Domnik Mack of Providence, UT
This Filly is by Blue Frosty Ed our big handsome blue roan stallion. Offspring of Blue Frosty Ed has a wonderful disposition, lots of bone, and is built to be used for long days on the ranch. Ed is a big 15.1 hand blue roan with loads of muscle mass and great ranch conformation. Ed goes back to roping greats such as Driftwood, Hancock, Lucky Blanton, Poco Bueno, Three Bars, Leo, Eddie 40, Oklahoma Star, Zantanon, and Grey Badger II. We love the cross with this stallion and he produces some very intelligent and flashy foals.
This Filly is out of a mare by Rio Starlight and her Grand Sire is Grays Starlight. Offspring of Grays Starlight has won over 10 million dollars. His offspring have made him one of the Leading Sires in the NRHA, NRCHA, and NCHA. In 2007 Grays Starlight was the Leading Sire of Broodmares sold in both NRHA and NRCHA sales and the second leading sire of broodmares sold in NCHA sales.
This black filly has been started and had 90 days of professional training, she has a good handle and is extremely gentle. She is a classy made smokey black filly who is smooth moving, well balanced, and level-headed. This filly will be stocky and she was designed to be flashy with a big stop. Excellent ranch prospect for sorting, doctoring, gathering, and dragging cattle to the fire. She has the potential to go in any direction from cutting, working cow horse, western, 4H, poles, team penning, or pleasure trail riding. She is a sweet filly that you are bound to fall in love with. She has 2 white socks on her hind legs and a thick stripe on her face. Don't miss out on this darling filly!
Rio Starlight x Viva Ebony
SOLD Thank you, Travis Maughn Family of Mt. Sterling, UT
This flashy bay colt is by Rio Starlight who is a 15.2 hand 1,200 lb buckskin with a great confirmation to go with his great pedigree. He is by Grays Starlight, an all-time Leading Sire producing over $10 million in cutting (NCHA), reined cow horse (NRCHA) and reining horses (NRHA). In 2007 Grays Starlight was the Leading Sire of Broodmares sold in both NRHA and NRCHA sales and the second leading sire of broodmares sold in NCHA sales. Grays Starlight is by AQHA/NCHA Hall of Fame Inductee Peppy San Badger, the all-time number 2 sire $28 Million of performance horses. Rio is out of Smokin Kitty Rio the 1993 NCHA Open Reserve World Champion with earnings exceeding $65.000. Smokin Kitty Rio is by NCHA and NRCHA greats Smokin Jose, Doc Quixote, and AQHA/NRHA Hall of Fame Mr Gun Smoke.
Rio has his ROM in Reining and qualified for the 2004 AQHA world show in reining. Rio was being shown in the working cow horse events and has won multiple events, qualifying for the 2006 AQHA world show; he was also be shown at the Working Cow Horse World Show.
He is out of a mare that goes back to Three Bars, Waggoner, Leo San, and King. His dam is a soggy black mare with heavy bone structure and mounds of muscle. This mare has produced some of the nicest colts we have had the pleasure of owning. Two full brothers to this colt have gone on to homes where the owners have been offered over $6000 as started 2 and 3-year-olds. This colt is bound to be equally as nice and has the classic chrome to match.
He is loaded with chrome from head to toe with 4 white stockings and a star on his face. He is stout and compact and has a typical Grays Starlight huge back end. He is so well built and quick that he is a fantastic candidate for cutting, reining, or working cow horse if your eyes are set on the show ring. If your passion lies elsewhere this colt can truly be as versatile as you need. His full sister is a 4H rockstar and is being shown by a 15-year-old in a working ranch horse and western. As a 3-year-old his full brother is quiet enough that beginner riders are learning basic riding skills. He will shortly be ready to go to a new home and will be in desperate need of a job as a 2-year-old.
Rio Starlight x Ill Be Tari Now
SOLD Thank you, Owned by the SK Ranch
This buckskin colt is an AQHA Stallion Prospect and is by Rio Starlight who is a 15.2 hand 1,200 lb buckskin with a great confirmation to go with his great pedigree. He is by Grays Starlight, an all-time Leading Sire producing over $10 million in cutting (NCHA), reined cow horse (NRCHA), and reining horses (NRHA). In 2007 Grays Starlight was the Leading Sire of Broodmares sold in both NRHA and NRCHA sales and the second leading sire of broodmares sold in NCHA sales. Grays Starlight is by AQHA/NCHA Hall of Fame Inductee Peppy San Badger, the all-time number 2 sire of $28 Million of performance horses. Rio is out of Smokin Kitty Rio the 1993 NCHA Open Reserve World Champion with earnings exceeding $65.000. Smokin Kitty Rio is by NCHA and NRCHA greats Smokin Jose, Doc Quixote, and AQHA/NRHA Hall of Fame Mr Gun Smoke.
Rio has his ROM in Reining and qualified for the 2004 AQHA world show in reining. Rio was being shown in the working cow horse events and has won multiple events, qualifying for the 2006 AQHA world show; he was also be shown at the Working Cow Horse World Show.
This colt is out of a mare by I'll Be Smart with offspring earnings in excess of $1.4 million. The $77,400 money-earner is a full brother to Smart Little Lena, he’s by Doc O’Lena and out of Smart Peppy – and is an Equi-Sat All-Time Leading Cutting Sire and 2007 NRCHA Leading Sire. On this colts pedigree, you will find great sires such as Doc Bar, Poco Bueno, Leo San, and Peppy San. This colt is truly bred by AQHA performance horse royalty.
He is a handsome stallion or gelding with the pedigree and ability to perform at the world show. This colt has a correct conformation and disposition that will carry him into the winners' circle with correct training. His only marking is 2 white socks on his hind legs. He is built to work or show all day with a short strong back and thick straight jet black legs. He is bred with size, speed, athleticism, intelligence, and versatility. With this colt you will be able to use him as a working cow horse, rope horse, cutting, team penning, or reining horse. With his pedigree, color, and versatility you will not be disappointed. Come check him out!
Rio Starlight x PNA Driftin Foxy
SOLD Thank you, Jodie Petersen of Riverton, WY
This filly is by Rio Starlight who is a 15.2 hand 1,200 lb buckskin with a great confirmation to go with his great pedigree. He is by Grays Starlight, an all-time Leading Sire producing over $10 million in cutting (NCHA), reined cow horse (NRCHA), and reining horses (NRHA). In 2007 Grays Starlight was the Leading Sire of Broodmares sold in both NRHA and NRCHA sales and the second leading sire of broodmares sold in NCHA sales. Grays Starlight is by AQHA/NCHA Hall of Fame Inductee Peppy San Badger, the all-time number 2 sire of $28 Million of performance horses. Rio is out of Smokin Kitty Rio the 1993 NCHA Open Reserve World Champion with earnings exceeding $65.000. Smokin Kitty Rio is by NCHA and NRCHA greats Smokin Jose, Doc Quixote, and AQHA/NRHA Hall of Fame Mr Gun Smoke.
Rio has his ROM in Reining and qualified for the 2004 AQHA world show in reining. Rio was being shown in the working cow horse events and has won multiple events, qualifying for the 2006 AQHA world show; he was also be shown at the Working Cow Horse World Show.
She is out of a mare that is foundation bred from the Ayers Ranch and goes back to Blue Valentine, Joe Hancock, Driftwood, Driftwood Ike, Two Eyed Jack, Three Bars, Eddie 40, and King. Her dam is a beautifully well-put-together blue roan mare with heavy bone structure and mounds of muscle. This filly is bound to turn heads with her color and disposition. We love the cross out of this dam and sire so much that we have bought 3 more full sisters to this dam specifically to breed to Rio Starlight.
This filly is guaranteed to get noticed everywhere she will go, she is simply going to make an impressive show quality horse that you can add to a breeding program in years to come. She is loaded with potential from head to toe with a white star on her face and one white hind sock. She is elegant and compact and has a typical large Grays Starlight back end. She is so well built and quick that she needs to go to the show ring in reining or working cow horse. Her breeding is one that we are fully invested in and look forward to seeing earn points in the arena. Come check her out.
Blue Frosty Ed x Appendix Mare
SOLD Thank you, John Reese of Kanab, UT
This stallion is by Blue Frosty Ed our big handsome blue roan stallion. Offspring of Blue Frosty Ed has a wonderful disposition, lots of bone, and is built to be used for long days on the ranch. Ed is a big 15.1 hand blue roan with loads of muscle mass and great ranch conformation. Ed goes back to roping greats such as Driftwood, Hancock, Lucky Blanton, Poco Bueno, Three Bars, Leo, Eddie 40, Oklahoma Star, Zantanon, and Grey Badger II. We love the cross with this stallion and he produces some very intelligent and flashy foals. This colt has a star on his face and 2 front white socks, we have considered keeping this colt because of his potential. This colt comes from a cross we are very excited about, we specifically selected this cross hoping to get a horse colt. The size and bone of both the dam and sire should produce a massive mature gelding with a big motor and desire to please. Colts out of this sire has been very easy to start and brilliant in their progression.
This dun colt is going to mature to be a serious rope horse, his dam is a soggy palomino that stands at 15.1 hands and his sire is a blue roan that stands also 15.1 hands. He has a big hip and lots of power in the hindquarters of this colt, dark dun dorsal stripe and zebra striping in his legs this colt has serious chrome and size. With his size and speed, he is an excellent prospect for bulldogging, ranching or a head horse. The dam is a grade mare however comes from impressive breeding as indicated on her page of the website. His full sister was great to start and has gone to a home where she has been started on barrels. Come and check this guy out for yourself.