Performance Stallions
2000 Buckskin Stallion
Barn Name: Rio
15.2 Hands 1200 lbs
Breed Fee $1250 Frozen Semen Only
Booking Fee SEE ABOVE
Link: Pedigree Rio Starlight
Rio Starlight - Thank you for all the support and overwhelming interest in breeding to Rio, we are offering limited breedings via frozen semen only.
Rio Starlight is a 15.2 hand 1,200 lb buckskin with a great confirmation to go with his great pedigree. He is by Grays Starlight, an all-time Leading Sire producing over $10 million in cutting (NCHA), reined cow horse (NRCHA), and reining horses (NRHA). In 2007 Grays Starlight was the Leading Sire of Broodmares sold in both NRHA and NRCHA sales and the second leading sire of broodmares sold in NCHA sales. Grays Starlight is by AQHA/NCHA Hall of Fame Inductee Peppy San Badger, the all-time number 2 sire of $28 Million of performance horses. Rio is out of Smokin Kitty Rio the 1993 NCHA Open Reserve World Champion with earnings exceeding $65.000. Smokin Kitty Rio is by NCHA and NRCHA greats Smokin Jose, Jose Uno, Doc Quixote, and AQHA/NRHA Hall of Fame Mr Gun Smoke.
Rio has his ROM in Reining and qualified for the 2004 AQHA world show in reining. Rio was being shown in the working cow horse events and has won multiple events, qualifying for the 2006 AQHA world show; he was also be shown at the Working Cow Horse World Show.
Rio is the big man on campus at the SK Ranch, we cannot say enough about the foal crops that we raise from Rio year after year. Please come and see for yourself, he is the best-looking buckskin for thousands of miles. His disposition, conformation, athleticism, and intelligence that he passes on to his offspring is world-class. Rio is the only buckskin out of Grays Starlight, he carries legendary traits from his pedigree and passes them on from top to bottom. With a black dappled buckskin coat, four tall white socks and a stripe down his face he is a horse that stands out anywhere he goes. He throws beautiful colts with lots of color and chrome on top of colts that can handle the pressure of virtually any discipline. What we treasure most today about Rio is the versatility of his progeny. We have kept one of his offspring a Stallion (Rios Little Fashion) because we believe so heavily in Rio's ability to produce quality foals. We have acquired breeding straws for Smart Chic Olena as well as an own daughter of Smart Chic Olena. The SK Ranch looks forward to the cross from Rio Starlight and Smart Chic Olena, these superior pedigrees will be our next generation of a super horse.
AQHA Hall of Fame Pedigree: Mr Gun Smoke, Lightning Bar, Doc Bar, Peppy San Badger, Mr San Peppy, Peppy San, Poco Bueno, Poco Tivio, Three Bars, Texas Dandy, Zantanon, Leo San, Leo, King, Grey Badger II, Wimpy
NRHA Hall of Fame Pedigree: Mr Gun Smoke
NCHA Hall of Fame Pedigree: Docs Starlight, Jose Uno, Peppy San Badger, Mr San Peppy, Peppy San
NRCHA Million Dollar Sire: Grays Starlight
2015 Red Roan (Blue) Stallion
Barn Name: Chism
15 Hands 1100 lbs
Breed Fee $800 BOOKED FOR 2023
Booking Fee $300
Link: Pedigree Boon Doc Crazy
The SK Ranch in partnership with Don and Denise Olson of Lazy D Quarter Horses is excited to introduce Boon Doc Crazy for 25 limited breedings during the 2022 season. This stallion is 5-panel n/n tested and stands 15 hands. What a great opportunity to breed to an intelligent and talented cow-horse. Boon Doc Crazy is a proven money-earner out of industry legends Peptoboonsmal $180K LTE (money earning progeny in excess of $28M), Smart Little Lena $743K LTE (money earning progeny in excess of $42M, and #2 All-Time Leading Sire) and Dual Pep $302K LTE (money earning progeny in excess of $25M and #5 All-Time Leading Sire). Boon Doc Crazy an own son of Sweet Lil Pepto who has amassed $237,783 LTE, he is an NCHA Top 20 Leading Sire.
Dual Peppy Kitty has earned $1,788 LTE in NCHA and has progeny earnings of $232,058. She had a coming three-year-old by High Brow CD that sold for $200,000 at the NCHA Western Bloodstock Futurity Sale in December of 2018!
Below is the show record for Boon Doc Crazy:
2021 URCHA First place Champion Rookie
2021 URCHA Non-Pro Limited Derby Champion
2020 URCHA Open Derby Reserve Champion
Level 1 URCHA Open Futurity Champion
Limited Open Reserve Futurity Champion
URCHA Limited Open Derby Champion
PHSC Ranch Versatility Reserve Open Champion
Contact us today to reserve your spot for the 2022 breed season starting March 2022 and ending June 2022.
2010 Cremello Stallion
Barn Name: Lightning
15.1 Hands 1250 lbs
Booking Fee CLOSED
Lightning is a very handsome Cremello with an exceptional baby doll head, he is stout with thick bone, and intelligence. His name speaks for itself, he is lightning fast and light on his feet. Lightning sits and spins so you better hold on, we are roping and moving cows on the mountain with Lightning. He has spent time in Emmett, Idaho with horse clinician Jeff Spencer where he was started correctly and has roped hundreds of calves. We are most excited to see what Lightning can do cutting cows, his cow sense is in high drive and we already know he is athletic. He is producing beautiful foal crops with lots of color and beautiful conformations. We invite you to come and see him for yourself. Foals out of Lightning are alert, they demonstrate the mental capacity to retain training and stand up to hard use under saddle. The greatest traits of Lightnings pedigree have written the record books, these traits are still evident in the progeny produced by Lightning today.
Lightning is by Rio Starlight who is a 15.2 hand 1,200 lb buckskin with a great confirmation to go with his great pedigree. He is by Grays Starlight, an all-time Leading Sire producing over $10 million in cutting (NCHA), reined cow horse (NRCHA) and reining horses (NRHA). In 2007 Grays Starlight was the Leading Sire of Broodmares sold in both NRHA and NRCHA sales and the second leading sire of broodmares sold in NCHA sales. Grays Starlight is by AQHA/NCHA Hall of Fame Inductee Peppy San Badger, the all-time number 2 sire $28 Million of performance horses. Rio is out of Smokin Kitty Rio the 1993 NCHA Open Reserve World Champion with earnings exceeding $65.000. Smokin Kitty Rio is by NCHA and NRCHA greats Smokin Jose, Jose Uno, Doc Quixote and AQHA/NRHA Hall of Fame Mr Gun Smoke.
Rio has his ROM in Reining and qualified for the 2004 AQHA world show in reining. Rio was being shown in the working cow horse events and has won multiple events, qualifying for the 2006 AQHA world show; he was also be shown at the Working Cow Horse World Show.
Lightning is out of a mare who is an own daughter of Watch Red Song who is by Mr Baron Red an AQHA Champion, Superior Heeling, Superior Calf Roping, 1983 AQHA SUPERHORSE, 2 time Reserve World Champion Sr Calf Roping, 2 time Reserve World Champion Sr Heading. Notably, on this pedigree, Two Eyed Jack appears 3 times. Two Eyed Jack is the all-time leading sire of AQHA Champions, having sired 119 Champions. He also sired sixteen AQHA World Show Champions, as well as 242 Performance Register of Merit earners. He also sired three AQHA Supreme Champions.
Future Performance Stallions
2020 Bay Stallion
This bay stallion is an exciting addition to our breeding program and is by Rio Starlight who is a 15.2 hand 1,200 lb buckskin with a great conformation to go with a great pedigree. He is by Grays Starlight, an all-time Leading Sire producing over $10 million in cutting (NCHA), reined cow horse (NRCHA), and reining horses (NRHA). In 2007 Grays Starlight was the Leading Sire of Broodmares sold in both NRHA and NRCHA sales and the second leading sire of broodmares sold in NCHA sales. Grays Starlight is by AQHA/NCHA Hall of Fame Inductee Peppy San Badger, the all-time number 2 sire of $28 Million of performance horses. Rio is out of Smokin Kitty Rio the 1993 NCHA Open Reserve World Champion with earnings exceeding $65.000. Smokin Kitty Rio is by NCHA and NRCHA greats Smokin Jose, Doc Quixote, and AQHA/NRHA Hall of Fame Mr Gun Smoke.
Rio has his ROM in Reining and qualified for the 2004 AQHA world show in reining. Rio was being shown in the working cow horse events and has won multiple events, qualifying for the 2006 AQHA world show; he was also be shown at the Working Cow Horse World Show.
This bay stallion is out of a mare who is an own daughter of the great Smart Chic Olena, with great pleasure we have added Smart Chic Olena to our breeding program. We believe in the hype surrounding this great stallion. Smart Chic Olena has LTE of $167,471 in cutting, reining, and cow horse events; few horses in history rival the versatility of Smart Chic Olena. Smart Chic Olena is inducted into the AQHA and NRHA Hall of Fame. He is a $10 Million Dollar Sire with the NRHA and NRCHA Million Dollar Sire. He is the only sire to win both the Open Cutting and Open Reining Championships. He is an NRHA World Champion and truly one of the most versatile sires in AQHA history.
This chestnut mare is welcomed with great excitement as an addition to our program, she goes back to some of AQHA's greatest money producers such as Smart Chic Olena, Boomernic, Reminic, Smart Little Lena, Doc Olena, Doc Bar, Peppy San, King, and Mr Gun Smoke multiple times. Boomernic has LTE of $120,000 and ROM Performance, he was the 1992 NRHA Open Futurity Champion and is an NRHA Million Dollar Sire. Mr Gunsmoke explosive athletic ability and sensitivity to a cow translates well to his offspring. Mr Gunsmoke is inducted into the NRHA, NRCHA, and AQHA hall of fame; he is a horse among legends.
We consider this young stallion part of the future of our breeding program and we are excited to see what he can do in the show ring. His background boasts a pedigree and the ability to perform and win at the world show. This stallion has a correct conformation and disposition that get him noticed with correct training. He is built to work or show all day with a short strong back and flashy straight black/white legs. His breeding is supported by size, speed, athleticism, intelligence, and versatility. If you are as excited as we are please inquire about future bookings. We expect a great working cow horse, rope horse, cutting, team penning, and reining offspring in the near future. With his pedigree, color, and versatility you will not be disappointed with the outcome. Check him out!
2020 Palomino Stallion
We kept this 2020 palomino a stallion because he has an incredibly loaded pedigree, it certainly doesn’t hurt that his color and markings are amazing. Go right ahead and give his pedigree a gander, he’s loaded with Peptoboonsmal, Grays Starlight , Topsail Whiz, Nu Chex to Cash, Peppy San Badger, Smart Little Lena, Boonlight Dancer, Colonel Freckles, Doc Olena, and King Fritz. We are sending this prospect to begin his training for the NRCHA Futurity in hopes that he will compete at the highest level. We are very excited about the potential of this young stallion. More to come.